Thursday, 29 November 2012

Increase in number of IAS, IPS seats in UPSC exams

Our country's population have increased to more than 1.2 billion. Also the structure of population also got changed dramatically. Earlier at the time of independence, level of education was not so high. Also the urbanization of the population was very low. Now in this period education, urbanization  levels have increased to very high levels. Also the nature of employment have also largely shifted from Agriculture to Manufacturing and now to Service Sector.

So the number of administrative officers that are required for a particular number of population must have increased than that was in past. But UPSC had not increased it's number of seats of IAS or IPS officers much in last few years. This had caused not only the degradation of law and order but also it had very strongly affected other factors like economic growth, regional imbalances, unemployment, etc.

This situation had more affected the remote and rural areas  of the country. In fact right minded officers are more likely to stay in developed cities and states. This had caused development not reaching beyond the city limits of state capitals and big cities.

Our country needs good numbers of capable officers for the underdeveloped areas  and to reduce the income gap of the population. The more hands we have the more we can thought of various issues like foreign policy, industrial growth, macro economy and others which will affect our country's future.